Thursday, March 13, 2008

Monkey in the middle

My Jewess Princess Katie tagged me with the Middle Name Meme. The deal is you have to give a different fact about your self starting with the letters of your middle name. Here goes:
J- My middle name is James. My Mom saddled me with two Biblical names. I was named after the first christian martyr and the brother of Jesus. Religion has been plaguing me since the day I was freakin' born.
A- After making a .075 GPA in my first semester in college due to excessive partying, I made three A's and two B's the next semester.
M- One of my favorite comic book series ever was the early 70's version of Manhunter from DC comics. It was self contained in about 6 or so issues and the art and story line blew my young mind. It was where I first learned the word "Gotterdammerung." I didn't understand what it meant but it sounded so cool, since it had "damm" in it I thought it was a swear word so I used it as such. When I found out what it really meant, it means 'twilight of the gods,' I thought it was an even cooler word than before.
E- I hate how elephants have become the symbol of the Republican party. The more we learn about these incredible animals the less they seem like the right animal to represent such greedy arrogant fuckers. I think a more appropriate animal for them to use as the symbol of their party would be a pig or maybe a weasel.
S- Salem Lights was the first brand of cigarettes that I smoked. I soon grew to hate menthols so I quit smoking them and I switched to Vantage, then Marlboros and finally I settled on Marlboro Lights. I smoked cigarettes for 24 years and I smoked the other stuff for almost as long, but now I smoke neither.

I haven't tagged anyone in a while so I'll tag MNMom, her sister Cheesecake Maven, and Suzy.


Cup said...

Dittoing your frustration with them taking the elephant. Shouldn't they have the donkey? Asses, all of 'em.

Snad said...

Well, I agree about the elephant. The weasel might work, but the pig? You need to get to know pigs better, Monkey. They are lovely creatures, really.

How about the Bone-Eating Snot Flower?

Karen said...

Religion has been plaguing YOU since the day you were born? My parents chose a first name which means PURE and a middle name which means PROMISED TO wonder I wanted to be a nun as a child.

Mnmom said...

The GOP needs hyenas for their mascot. Did I spell hyenas right? I'll get to me meme soon - thanks for the tag!

GETkristiLOVE said...

M is for Monkey, who are you fooling?! :D

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Beth-I like Democrats being the donkey. Everybody wants a piece of ass sometimes. No one wants a piece of elephant.

Snad-Yo're right about pigs, I let my anti porcine side shine through. I'm sorry.

Karen-Actually, it's been plaguing us all.

MNMom-Hyena, great idea!

GKL-M is for bad girl which is what you are. You've got a spanking coming for disagreeing with me. :)