Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Do the right thing

Spitzer resigned because he banged a hooker. He admitted he fucked up and now he's leaving office because of it.

Now, when are Vitter and Larry Craig leaving office over their indiscretions?

When are Bush and Cheney leaving over the lies they told to get us into the endless war of terror? After all they went around for years linking Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda and 9/11 and none of it has proven to be true, in fact the Pentagon just released a final report days ago saying that there was no link between Saddam and Al Qaeda and 9/11.

Hey corporate media, while you're all still in the lynch mob mentality, go after Vitter and Craig and Bush and Cheney. And then go after your uber lord, Rupert Murdoch.



mwb said...

Hell yeah!

I love how the NY Repubs are pushing for impeachment instantly!

Apparently nothing is more threatening to America than Democratic Penises!

Well, clearly, Neo-Con's penises are a threat to no one... ;-)

dguzman said...

If anyone had any doubt that the "liberal media" is a complete myth, this latest wall-to-wall Spitzer coverage should prove it.

Ubermilf said...

I don't know why they're singling out one aristocrat for his courtesans but not any of the others.

Meanwhile, it's another day of toil for the peasants...

Cup said...

See, Dr. Monkey, those are the people of the Family Values Party. It's just the liberal media attacking them. Don't you watch Fox News?

Gawd, they're f*ckers.

Ed said...

Different moral standards for republicans than for democrats, apparently. Or, maybe if he was having sex with an underage boy the republicans would have thought it was okay.

Dale said...

Well said Doctor. Douchebags all.

Mnmom said...

Someday justice will prevail . . . and pigs will fly out of my butt.

Missy said...

I have no clue when it will all happen...but I will ask Larry Craig when he comes to town for the convention on the Greyhound...assuming he will not go through the airport.....

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You tell em, Dr M! Hyocrites!

GETkristiLOVE said...

What is wrong with sleeping with a Ho anyways? My boyfriend does it all the time.

Snad said...

I sent a letter the the EPA yesterday about protecting lands in Idaho. It said this:
"Please encourage Mr. Bush to enlist the services of high-price prostitutes, as Mr. Spitzer did, so he will be less inclined to rape the environment anymore."

You can substitute "environment" for "economy", "Constitution", "security of our country"...whatever, and it would fit.

I don't think Spitzer was that far off - of course, I'm not his wife, but hey, I'm just saying.

Life As I Know It Now said...

it's so fucking obvious that if the wrongdoer is a Democrat we will never hear the end of it but if it's a republican, the media downplays the scandal or tries to act like it's really a Democrat and not a repukevilcan. thank goodness we have blogs and the internet so that we can learn the truth!

Micgar said...

dguzman sais it all -all you ever hear about is Demo/Lib indiscretions (or the severity is greater for them) you never hear too much about the Repub's illicit dalliances!