Friday, November 8, 2013

Weekly political postings


Coaster Punchman said...


Mnmom said...

I don't understand how these facts fail to resonate with conservative voters. And #2, that's me. If I won the lottery I'd be making a LOT of other people happy.

Wings1295 said...

Some of those are great, Doc. Love the first one, especially.

Professor Chaos said...

It is beyond disgusting that we don't pay the folks we send to risk their lives for us* enough to not need foos stamps.

*By us, I should probably mean Halliburton, Blackwater, Custer Battles etc.

Nan said...

@Mnmom, there's been a fair amount of research done on the psychology of ideology that consistently shows that the typical conservative is a Calvinist at heart: they truly believe that anyone who is down and out deserves that fate. If you're poor, it's your own fault and you should suffer because God wants you to. Facts are irrelevant.

Other research has shown that conservatives also tend to fall on the low end of the IQ curve, which isn't much of a surprise to anyone who's ever tried to have a sane conversation with a Republican.

brewella deville said...

That last one just blows me away.

gmb said...

Excellent, Dr. Monkey. If only there was a way to get this into as many public spaces as possible--train stations, subways, buses, anywhere where people congregate. Hmmmm, bathroom stalls at Walmarts?